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Updated: Apr 19

Why Liposuction?

Millions of individuals committed to diet and regular exercise cannot achieve their desired shape. They can find a solution in the form of liposuction, a widely trusted and popular plastic surgery procedure. At Redeker Aesthetics, patients gain confidence while achieving their body contouring goals. 

What is Liposuction?  

Liposuction, also known as "lipo," is a surgical procedure designed to sculpt and reshape the body by utilizing suction to eliminate excess fat deposits. This technique proves especially beneficial for individuals who have diligently pursued diet and exercise without achieving their desired outcomes in specific areas. Notably, liposuction involves minimal scarring due to its reliance on small incisions, contributing to a swifter recovery compared to more invasive procedures like a tummy tuck.  

The versatility of liposuction extends across various body regions, including the abdomen, arms, back, calves, chin, chest, hips, inner knee, and thighs. In essence, liposuction serves as tool for shaping and refining body contours and is available to both women and men.  

Are you the right candidate for Liposuction?  

The decision to undergo liposuction should be fully motivated by individual needs, rather than external pressures. Liposuction is not intended as a weight-loss method, but can very successfully remove excess fat deposits in specific areas. Ideal candidates for liposuction have a stable body weight, a healthy diet, and exercise several times per week on a regular basis. 

Liposuction is also used in procedures like breast reduction or male breast removal (gynecomastia surgery).

After the procedure, skin conforms to the newly sculpted contours, yielding a smooth appearance if there is good skin tone and elasticity. However, it is crucial to note that liposuction does not address cellulite, skin irregularities, or remove stretch marks and can even make those worse.  

Candidates should generally be in good health, free from complicating conditions such as clotting disorders or a compromised immune system.  

If you find yourself bothered by stubborn fat deposits unresponsive to diet and exercise, liposuction may be a suitable option for you.  

What should you expect during a consultation for liposuction? 

Success and safety of a liposuction procedure hinge on an open communication during the consultation. We at Redeker Aesthetics prioritize understanding your specific needs and concerns, encouraging you to candidly express the areas of your body you wish to improve. This discussion delves into the intricacies of liposuction techniques, outlining both their advantages and disadvantages.  

We thoroughly assess factors like skin tone and body contour to tailor surgical techniques that align with your expectations. You should come prepared to share your medical history, including conditions, allergies, prior treatments, surgeries, and current medications. We welcome all your questions, addressing any concerns or anxieties you may have about the procedure. This comprehensive consultation ensures the collaborative journey to achieving your desired results. 

Liposuction techniques  

We will always choose the most suitable technique based on your unique needs and goals. Our vast experience with a wide range of techniques, including Ultrasound Assisted Liposuction (UAL, also known as VASER), Power Assisted Liposuction (PAL), Water Assisted Liposuction (WAL), Laser Assisted Liposuction (SmartLipo), Radiofrequency Assisted Liposuction (RFAL), and High-Definition Liposuction (HDL), ensures an optimal treatment. 

Classic Tumescent Liposuction:  This is the basis for all techniques, except for the WAL method. It entails the injection of a special solution of saline mixed with an anesthetic and adrenalin into the treatment area, to minimize discomfort and bruising. Subsequently fat is extracted using different types of cannulas connected to a suction system. 

Ultrasound Assisted Liposuction:  Utilizing ultrasound energy, this technique involves breaking up and loosening fatty tissue in a first step before extraction of fat deposits with regular liposuction cannulas. Often referred to as VASER (Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance), ultrasound waves specifically target and liquify the fat, facilitating its removal with an additional benefit of improved skin retraction. 

SmartLipo: SmartLipo uses laser technology and is also known as 'laser lipolysis'. The laser is introduced under the skin by a small guide wire, to melt and eliminate fat cells. This technique is often used in hard-to-reach areas and can provide extra definition by increasing skin retraction. An additional benefit of the heat caused by the laser, is that bruising is typically reduced, resulting in quicker recovery times. 

High-Definition Liposuction: High-definition liposuction takes it to another level by precise sculpting of the treatment areas and enhancement of beautiful highlights of anatomic structures such as natural skin depressions and muscular borders. The procedure is often combined with energy-based devices such as BodyTite and may be combined with fat transfer. 

Power Assisted Liposuction: Power-assisted liposuction uses a motorized cannula which vibrates beneath the skin's surface to facilitate the breakdown of fat and create better definition. It may also be used without suction, for pre-expansion of tissues before fat transfer. 

Water Assisted Liposuction: Water jet-assisted liposuction employs a mildly pressurized  stream of water and anesthetic solution to dislodge fat and extract cells simultaneously.This technique was designed for liposuction under local-sedation as it provides continuous application of anesthetic solution.  

Radiofrequency Assisted Liposuction:  Radiofrequency-assisted liposuction is a minimally invasive method that utilizes thermal energy to enhance skin tightening and eliminate excess fat. Incorporating radiofrequency waves with conventional liposuction approaches helps to dissolve fat, tighten skin and stimulate collagen production. 

How is the surgery performed?  

The liposuction procedure is tailored to the scope and scale of your needs, with the choice of general anesthesia or sedation. Depending on the volume of fat to be removed, the surgery may take place in an outpatient facility or in a hospital, where an overnight stay is possible. Prior to the procedure, your skin will undergo thorough desinfection.

The duration of the liposuction can be from half and hour for removal of fat under the chin to several hours, contingent on the size of the treatment areas and the amount of fat being removed. Typically, small incisions are made, and a 2 to 5mm cannula is inserted, which is connected to a vacuum, suctioning fat from the targeted areas. A post-surgery compression garment is usually required to minimize postoperative swelling and for comfort. Following the procedure, you'll spend a few hours in a recovery room. 

Recovery & Results  

Expect some swelling, bruising, and soreness following the liposuction procedure, all of which will gradually diminish over the course of several weeks. Early mobilization is encouraged, with most patients able to resume work within 3-5 days, occasionally 1-2 weeks for bigger operations. It is advisable to avoid strenuous exercise for 2 weeks. As the swelling subsides, you will notice the reduction of bulkiness and clearer definition in the treated areas, with a noticeably better appearance emerging within 4-6 weeks.  

While around 90 percent of the desired outcome is typically achieved within three months, continual improvement can be observed for up to 6-12 months. Post-surgery lymphatic drainage, as well as maintaining a healthy diet and exercise regime, are essential factors for optimal and enduring results! 

Want to get rid of stubborn, unwelcome fat with liposuction? We at Redeker Aesthetics are happy to address any questions and concerns you may have. Book your consultation now! 


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