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Why should you get a blepharoplasty?

The eyes, often considered the windows to the soul, play a crucial role in individualism, beauty, and self-expression. Unfortunately, they are also the first area of the face affected by the aging process, with eyelids being a key indicator. Whether it's droopy upper eyelids or puffy lower ones, even a well-rested and healthy appearance may not maintain that youthful sparkle.

Blepharoplasty (also known as Eyelid Surgery or Eyelift Surgery) became a transformative solution, not only enhancing overall facial aesthetics but also significantly improving visual fields. Women, noticing signs of aging sooner, may seek eyelid lifts as early as in their thirties, while men typically consider it in their forties. These procedures erase the tired look, replacing it with a refreshed, post-vacation appearance, making a profound impact on facial rejuvenation.   


What is blepharoplasty? 

Blepharoplasty is a precise procedure designed to eliminate excess fat, skin, and muscle from both the upper and lower eyelids. This surgery addresses concerns such as drooping upper lids and under-eye puffiness, which can contribute to an aged and fatigued appearance, occasionally affecting vision. By subtly and effectively correcting these issues, blepharoplasty offers a means to achieve a more youthful look without overt signs of having had a surgical procedure. Whether performed on the upper lids, lower lids, or both, blepharoplasty proves to be a versatile solution for rejuvenating the eye area and restoring a refreshed and revitalized aesthetic.  


Are you a good candidate for the surgery? 

Your consultation with us will determine your suitability for the procedure. Good physical and mental health, along with realistic expectations, make you a good candidate. While the majority seeking this surgery are usually over 35, those with a family history of droopy eyelids may choose to undergo the procedure earlier, as the eyes tend to show signs of aging sooner. 


Certain medical conditions, such as thyroid problems, dry eyes, high blood pressure, circulatory disorders, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes, can complicate the surgery. Caution is advised in cases of a detached retina or glaucoma, and consultation with your ophthalmologist before proceeding is essential. 


Before deciding, carefully consider your expectations and discuss them thoroughly with us to ensure alignment with your desires. 


What should you expect from your consultation?  

During your consultation, you will receive comprehensive information about the surgery, including its limitations and associated risks. This is an opportune time to openly discuss your specific needs and concerns, enabling us to gain a clear understanding of your expectations and assess their realistic achievability. Thoroughly examining your eyelids, their shape will be evaluated and any asymmetries will be identified to determine the most suitable procedure for optimizing your results. 


To ensure a comprehensive understanding of your case, it's essential to come prepared to discuss your needs and medical history. Providing relevant information from your ophthalmologist, along with details about any medical conditions, drug allergies, previous surgeries, medical treatments, and current medications, is crucial. Complete disclosure enables us to tailor the surgical plan to your unique needs. 


Once the surgical plan is finalized, personalized pre-operative and post-operative instructions will be provided to ensure you are well-prepared for your upcoming procedure. This thorough approach is designed to enhance the success and safety of your surgery while addressing your individual concerns and goals. 


Types of blepharoplasty  

Upper and lower blepharoplasty can be done separately or combined.  


Upper blepharoplasty: Upper blepharoplasty is a procedure that addresses the issue of drooping eyelid skin. Sometimes removal of excess fat or repairing of the muscles responsible for opening the eyes are required. Through fine incisions, which will be hidden when your eyes are open, excess skin and tissue are skillfully removed, restoring both the aesthetic appearance and functionality of the eyelids.  


Lower blepharoplasty: Lower blepharoplasty focuses on correcting under eye bags by repositioning and potentially removing redundant fat and skin. Additionally, it can address sagging lower lids that may reveal an excess of white space beneath the iris, enhancing the overall aesthetic harmony of the eyes. 


In the course of a lower blepharoplasty, your surgeon will create an incision positioned just below your lower eyelash line. To address lower eyelid concerns and the redistribution or removal of excess fat, we may opt for an alternative approach using a concealed incision inside your lower eyelid, known as a transconjunctival incision. 


In many of our cases, we combine lower eyelid blepharoplasty with fat grafting to smoothen the lid-cheek junction for better results. The fat is usually taken from the abdomen or inner thighs.  


Your blepharoplasty procedure  

On the day of your surgery, it's recommended to have someone who can accompany you, providing transportation to and from the surgical facility since you won't be able to drive afterward. We will carefully go over your surgery plan with you, ensuring you are well-prepared for the procedure. 


During the surgery, an appropriate amount of anesthetic will be administered to ensure a pain-free experience. Following the predetermined plan, we will make an incision in the agreed-upon location, removing excess skin. Typically lasting between 30-60 minutes for upper eyelids and two hours for lower eyelids, the latter usually being done under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation, the procedure may extend if you choose to combine eyelid surgery with other treatments. 


After completion, you will be monitored briefly to confirm a smooth process before being cleared to return home. Subsequently, you can focus on your recovery. 


Recovery & Results  

After blepharoplasty, we will provide care instructions, including the use of cold compresses and eyelid lubricants. Swelling and bruising typically diminish within a few days, allowing a return to regular routines within two weeks. Discomfort, hot sensations, and blurred vision may occur initially but improve within a week. 


Small skin-colored bandages called “Steristrips” are applied, and it's crucial to avoid rubbing the eyes until fully healed. Stitches are removed after 5-7d days. Strenuous exercise should be avoided for a couple of weeks. Improvement becomes noticeable once initial swelling subsides, which generally takes 1-2 weeks, but complete healing may take up to six months. Applying sunscreen is essential for long-term outcomes, and eyes may tire easily in the first few weeks. 


For personalized solutions and expert care in eyelid surgery, schedule your consultation at Redeker Aesthetics today!  

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